The Yes/No Game--God's Ways Are Always Best Skip to next element
Faith Encouragement

The Yes/No Game--God's Ways Are Always Best

CTA - Christ to All /Nov. 25, 2020
The Yes/No Game--God's Ways Are Always Best

By Gail Marsh

God’s ways are always best! But it’s not always easy to do what the Lord asks of us. Invite the children to play the Yes/No game with you. You’ll ask a question, and they can answer by nodding or shaking their heads, “yes” or “no.”


Mom says, “It’s time for you to go to bed.” Do you like that plan? Allow children to

respond. God’s plan is that you obey your mom. God can help you follow his plan. God

will help you obey.


Dad says, “Please help your brother.” Do you always like that plan? Allow children to

respond. God’s plan is that you do what Dad says. God will help you obey.


Your teacher says, “Don’t hit back. Be kind.” Do you like that plan? Allow students to

respond. God’s plan is that you obey your teachers. God will help you obey.


Do we always follow God’s plan? No, we don’t. All of us disobey. Another name for disobeying is sin. Sin brings consequences. It brings punishment. That’s pretty scary!


God loves us, though. He loves us very, very much! That’s why God sent his Son, Jesus, to be our Savior. Jesus was punished for our sins. That’s how much he loves us! Jesus took our consequences. God gives us faith to trust that, and whoever believes is forgiven. Our sins (and our punishment) are gone!


But there’s more. Jesus helps us obey, even when we’d rather not. We can pray, “Dear Jesus, make me a warrior of faith. Make me strong to obey, to be kind and good.” And he will do that!


Let’s pray! Please repeat after me: 

Dear God,/ 

Thank you for sending Jesus to take my sins away./ 

Help me to trust you and follow your plans for me./ 

Make me an even stronger warrior of faith./ 



Editor’s note: Today’s game is slightly adapted from a section of the Warriors of Faith Digital Event Guide for children.


You are welcome to copy this article for one-time use when you include this credit line and receive no monetary benefit from it: © 2020 CTA, Inc. Used with permission.

Editor’s note: God's ways are always best! But it's not always easy to do what the Lord asks of us.