Promises and Promises | Devotion | CTA Blog 10-01-18 Skip to next element

Promises and Promises - free devotion for this week's meetings

CTA - Christ to All /Sep. 30, 2018
Promises and Promises - free devotion for this week's meetings

By Jane Fryar

God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved; God will help her when morning dawns (Psalm 46:5 ESV).
How about that?! In just this one verse from Psalm 46, we find three specific promises:

  • God is with his people, his Church. Always! Whenever we come together, our Lord is in our midst to support, reassure, and defend us. His presence is a great blessing.
  • We will not be pulled off our foundation. The Lord will see to that. No matter how heavy the storm, the Church of God will weather it.
  • Help is on the way! Right now, we may sow the seed of the Word in tears, but shouts of joy will one day flood our ears (Psalm 126:5).

These three promises rest on one hard truth. The Church on earth will encounter opposition. Individual believers will never live lives free from trouble, pain, and trials. Jesus himself said as much:

In the world you will have tribulation (John 16:33 ESV).

Do you want to be perpetually disappointed? Then expect the world system around us to roll out the welcome mat for the message of sin and grace we proclaim. Expect your congregation to be trouble-free, prosperous, and popular.

In this world we will have tribulation. Even so, cynicism is never in order, for in the very same breath, our Savior tells us:

Take heart; I have overcome the world (John 16:33 ESV).

Jesus Christ has overcome - by the blood of his cross. He has taken the punishment of our sins upon himself, removing our guilt forever. He has defanged the lies of Satan. He has destroyed death’s dominion.

Therefore, we can take heart. We can speak and serve with good courage! We need not flag and we will not fail! Our Savior stands beside us and works through us. No one can steal the victory he himself has given us.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, teach me and all believers, especially the members of my congregation, to lean more and more fully on your promises. Stir our courage, our boldness, and our joy, knowing you can and will do what you have promised. Amen.

Editor’s note: Today’s devotion comes from CTA’s brand-new book Created for Community. The devotion book and digital teaching tools come together to form a five-week experience that will encourage your worshippers to love, worship, and serve together - inside and outside your church walls. Check it out today!

You are welcome to copy this article for one-time use when you include this credit line and receive no monetary benefit from it: © 2018 CTA, Inc. Used with permission.

Editor’s note: