Easy Ways to Create Kidmin Excitement | CTA Blog 06-19-18 Skip to next element

Easy Ways to Create Kidmin Excitement

CTA - Christ to All /Jun. 18, 2018
Easy Ways to Create Kidmin Excitement

Easy Ways to Create Kidmin Excitement

By admin

Are you knee-deep in planning another year of kidmin programs? Don’t get lost in the details! Before your new year begins, take a day to plan a few simple activities that will create excitement and momentum for your children’s ministry.

Here are ideas for teachers, staff members, and volunteers:

  • In late July, gather your kidmin team for a service project outside of your church community.
  • Invite staff and volunteers to a mini retreat on a Friday afternoon. CTA offers a handful of preplanned retreats in the Resource & Idea Center.
  • Create kidmin team unity with customized t-shirts. Imprint t-shirts with your church’s logo or create special shirts for each grade level.
  • Tell new volunteers and staff members “Welcome to the team!” with a personalized gift. CTA offers devotion books and practical gifts to fit your exact needs.

Here are ideas for kids and parents:

  • Kids love getting mail! In early August, send out kidmin invitations to the children in your church. Think about sending a small gift, like a silicone bracelet or backpack tag, along with a handwritten note.
  • Set up a kidmin table in your church’s welcome area. Invite parents to learn more about your programs and send each child home with a goodie bag.
  • Kickoff your new year of kid’s ministry with a “rally day” celebration. Invite all ages to participate in a multigenerational Bible class or Sunday school. Plan a few activities or games and invite everyone to stay after worship for a potluck meal.

What kidmin programs are you planning this year?

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