Amazing Grace A Free Devotion from CTA, Inc Skip to next element

Amazing Grace - A Free Devotion

CTA - Christ to All /Feb. 05, 2024
Amazing Grace for a Woman's Heart

By Jessica Bordeleau

Some words are always welcome . . .

I kept your supper warm.

Have a chocolate?

We’re almost home.

I love you!

Perhaps the sweetest, most welcome word of all, though, is the word grace. When you live in the grace of God, the crushing load of sin and its guilt can fall off your back. Shame has no place in your heart. You can stop trying to earn God’s love through your good deeds. You can lay down the overwhelming pressure to achieve.

The grace of God sets you free to be alive and active in your Christian faith--without fear. Knowing God’s good and gracious will to give you an eternal future in Christ outweighs every burden you bear and strengthens you to carry those burdens with good cheer.

When you are united with Christ through faith, the abundant grace of God defines your past, present, and future! The Bible assures us:

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus (Romans 3:23-24 ESV).

God's doesn't draw his grace from a limited supply; his storehouse is full and overflowing. His mercy and forgiveness never run out. Because of Jesus, God pours his grace and forgiveness into your life constantly, day after day.
For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace (John 1:16 ESV). 

Tangible Grace

Take a full pitcher of water and a glass to your kitchen sink. As you pour the entire pitcher of water into the glass and watch it spill over the rim, be reminded of how God's forgiveness overflows for you and for those around you.

Check out the Amazing Grace line from CTA, Inc.  You will find a variety of gifts for Christian women reminding her of the grace of our heavenly Father!