Product Details
Help little ones prepare for Easter with these activity kits. They’re an engaging way to share the Easter story for kids and make great Easter gifts for kids ages 3–6. Share them at your church Easter egg hunt or on Palm Sunday to get ready for the resurrection. Or, plan to use these activities in your kids ministry classes as you celebrate the Easter story.
Each kit:
- Jesus and JOY! Gospel Fun for Little Ones Activity Book
- Happy, Happy Day! Easter Story booklet and stickers
- Happy, Happy Day! Goodie Bag
⚠ WARNING: To avoid danger of suffocation keep this plastic bag away from babies and small children. Do not use this bag in cribs, beds, carriages, or playpens.
Scripture: The Spirit gives love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. There is no law that says these things are wrong. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified their own sinful selves. They have given up their old selfish feelings and the evil things they wanted to do. We get our new life from the Spirit. So we should follow the Spirit. We must not be proud. We must not make trouble with each other. And we must not be jealous of each other. Galatians 5:22–26 ICB