3 Bible Verse Memory Games for Kids' Ministry Skip to next element
Faith Encouragement

3 Bible Verse Memory Games

CTA - Christ to All /Sep. 22, 2021
Chalk board being erased

By CTA – Christ to All

Looking for some fun ways to engage your children in Bible fun? Here are three Bible verse memory games—all encouraging active participation while learning is happening! 

Vanishing Words!

What You’ll Need

Chalkboard or dry-erase board

Chalk or dry-erase markers 

Board eraser

Bible or Bible app


What You’ll Do

Write a Bible verse on a chalkboard or a dry-erase board. Recite the verse out loud together. Erase one word. Recite the verse again. Continue until all the words have been erased.


Order Up!

What You’ll Need

Bible or Bible app

3” x 5” index cards

Pen or pencil


What You’ll Do

Write a Bible verse on blank index cards, one word per card. Mix up the cards. In teams or individually, have children lay out the cards in the correct order. 


Find My Mistake!

What You’ll Need

A Bible or Bible app

Bible verses printed, including the “mistakes” you’ll want to make


What You’ll Do

Say a Bible verse out loud, but make an error—either change or omit an important word. Children should shout, “Found it!” when they catch your mistake. Then, say the verse correctly all together. Repeat with a new verse.


Editor’s note: Check out CTA’s Books of the Bible” bookmarks, a great way to encourage Bible reading. They include the books of the Bible on the front and Scripture on the back.